‘Singapore GaGa’ DVD launch1 min read
Reading Time: 2 minutesIt turned out to be a gathering of old friends.
Yew Hong Chow, the harmonica player, played a few tunes for us. For some reason, the harmonica’s mellifluous tones made me nostalgic in a way the recorder never could. And I wondered again how much cooler it would have been to learn to play the harmonica in school.

The Teochew newsreader was there, soldiering on in Teochew, a guardian of the last bastion of dialect on radio.
Pin Pin’s uncle was there and he sportingly sang a stanza of an old Chinese song.
And of course, Tan Pin Pin herself. She had made the introductions in Singapore GaGa and now all of us — family, friends, well-wishers — were gathered for the official launch of the DVD.
Pin Pin tried gamely to deliver her comments in both English and Mandarin, but the latter proved just a tad too daunting. Still, what was clear in the movie again came shining through — Pin Pin’s genuine affection for the people in it and her gratitude to them for trusting her with their stories. And they in turn, thanked Pin Pin for giving them the chance to tell their stories.
On Monday night at Timbre, this was Singapore — full of warm, fuzzy, gaga feelings.
Singapore GaGa is now available on DVD. For sale at Kinokuniya (Takashimaya), Earshot (The Arts House), Objectifs (available in-house and on the website).
- Singapore GaGa official website
- oh victor! (ampulets’ recap of the DVD launch)
Technorati Tags: sinema, Singapore cinema, Singapore film, Singapore GaGa