Does Your Audio Have Nasty Background Noise? Here’s How to Clean It Up in Post.1 min read
Reading Time: < 1 minuteBad video is forgivable. Bad audio is not.
There’s no way to escape the fact that watching a film with terrible audio is basically unbearable. This is why recording clean audio is so imperative, but sometimes, 1.) that’s impossible, and 2.) you only realize that your recordings have lots of ugly, noisy problems after you’ve gone into post. Ryan Connolly of Film Riot shares a bunch of (slightly advanced) solutions that can help you clean up audio in Adobe Premiere and Audition.
These editing tools are very powerful and can definitely help you fix, or at least reduce, problem areas in your audio. However, the danger with manipulating levels and adding effects to counteract noise is that it can leave you with audio that sounds – otherworldly. Seriously, if you’re inexperienced, you could be left with a dialog scene between what sounds like two aliens angrily shouting obscenities in a tin can.
via: No Film School
Image and Video Credit: Film Riot