The New Paper FiRST FILM FEST2 min read
Reading Time: 2 minutesNow with the launch of the inaugural edition of The New Paper FiRST Film Fest, you have a chance to see your work reaching a larger audience.
The New Paper has teamed up with the Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts (Mica) as well as Sinema Old School to bring you a short film competition

The film competition is open to young film-makers from 18 to 35 years old, and the length of the films have to be three minutes or less.
Mica will award grants of up to $5,000 each to as many as 10 film-makers in support of this project.
These have to be shot in Singapore and the themes have to be for a general audience.
1. The closing date for all submissions is Feb 13 2011.
2. The contest is open to contestants aged 18 to 35 as of Feb 13 2011.
3. All entries are to be set and filmed in Singapore and meant for a general audience.
4. Entries must include the TNP masthead provided here in their end credits.
5. The final selection of all the films is up to the discretion of the organiser.
6. Only selected entries will be uploaded on
7. The organiser reserves the right to postpone or make changes to the screening dates.
8. Films to be submitted should be 3 minutes or less, and made after Dec 2, 2010.
9. Contestants must ensure that all approvals and permissions for use of materials within the film (music, etc) have been obtained before submission.
10. Each submission must be readily available on DVD/CD-ROM should the organiser require it.
11. All films should be in English and subtitled in English if other languages are used in the film.
12. The organiser may choose to disqualify any entry that fails to meet the terms stated above.
*** UPDATE***
The deadline has been extended to March 6, and is now opened to anyone below 35.